Our Objectives

Objectives Resolution Of All India Backward Classes Federation
The federation adopts the following objectives resolution and work within that frame work till these objectives are achieved.

  1. The Federation is fully convinced that the Caste system destroyed the progress of India. It created the backward classes, untouchables and Aadivasys out of the working class and tied them to occupations that led to their starvation, deprivation and degradation in the social ladder. It had stolen their versatile human capabilities while destroying their professional and economic freedom. It would perpetuate these social and economic conditions if the backward Classes stick to caste system. The federationis convinced that the backward classes cannot live with dignity in modern society with the ideas and institutions of ancient India carried through the caste system. Therefore, the federation resolves Unless Casteless and Classless society is created, there will be no progress in India. The federation works to this end.
  1. The Federation resolves to protect the cultural plurality of India. It takes care that Indian plurality would not get fragmented in such a way that it weakens the national strength in any way. It promotes those cultural developments that lead to strengthen the country’s unity and integrity, its social and economic progress; and its pride of place in the comity of nations. It will not subscribe to the imposition of any restrictions against freedom of conscience, free profession, practice and propagation of religion given by the constitution. It will oppose such impositions by any agency or organisation. The Backward Classes are the sufferers of the past cultural oppression. We refuse to accept our inferior status in our own country in any field.


  1. The Federation resolves that any Indian who objects to the provision of political reservations to the backward classes is not a friend of this country and he is not a democrat. Such refusal means refusing the foundation to the majority Indians to stand upon their feet and commence their journey of social progress. The backward classes are the builders of the country’s economy. It is their economic exploitation for centuries and disrespect to their hard work and denial of education for them made them educationally and socially backward. Now is time for them to work for their self-empowerment. So also they would take over the responsibility as the makers of the destiny of this country.
  1. The Federation resolves that the practice of untouchability is much more oppressive than slavery and not unacceptable to a civilised society. This problem exists across the castes and religions. It has to be dealt with squarely. Unfortunately, majority of Indians are made to believe that all untouchables, now called as Dalits or the Scheduled Castes, are not equal in human status. This perception and mind set is wrong, inhuman and is a criminal offence. All our cultural leaders wanted to end it and our Constitution prohibits it. Therefore, the federation takes the responsibility to eradicate it fully by employing legal, administrative, educational, economic and political means; and dedicate that tribute to Mahatma Phule and Babasaheb Ambedkar. The federation relentlessly work for this goal.


  1. The Federation resolves to fully protect the secular credentials of the country and to remove all non-secular tendencies by fully protecting the Constitutional provisions to that effect. The Federation resolves that any Indian who objects to the provision of safeguards to the minority interests in the Constitution is not a friend of this country and he is not a democrat. The federation adopt the policy that the minority must always be won over, and it must never be dictated to surrender to the majority. Their political existence should be sustained through their representation in suitable ways.


  1. The Federation resolves that the backward classes’ women have been always working with men shoulder to shoulder in every profession. They enjoyed that equality in work and life. We made a mistake of imitating the predatory classes and oppressed our women psychologically. We resolve to treat our women with complete equality in every field including representation.


  1. Yet another unnatural growth of the 5000 years of old Social Order of India is the development of criminal tribes and nomadic tribes. Some Indian tribes are the original inhabitants of the Gondwanaland that existed prior to the separation of Continents. The tribes live in poverty in the richest parts of India. But the material advancement of our tribal brethren is deplorable. The federation will work out a suitable policy in consultation with the intellectuals from our Tribal brethren to ensure their rights so that their total reclamation from pathetic conditions is achieved.
  1. The federation believes that it is in the interest of the backward classes to establish socialism through constitutional democracy. They had been predominantly the workers in agriculture and allied sectors and getting displaced from these sectors also now due to mechanisation and capitalist economic model. Their petty and small businesses will also be extinct in future with the present model. We also believe that their progress is possible only through their educational advancement. Therefore, the federation would make all efforts to get qualitative education in the public sector at all levels. And make the university education suitable to the requirements of the modern world.


  1. After education, health is the most pressing need of the Backward Classes. Health is mostly a state of mind and it also depends on the food we eat and the environment we live in. Since this natural harmony is destroyed due to the greed of man the Backward Classes are deprived of their health. Thus reclaiming a healthy mind in a healthy body will be the motto of the federation. Therefore, it will work to bring all the primary health needs into the public sector to begin with and work out workable health insurance policy in the country.
  1. The whole thing depends on how much solidarity we can build up among ourselves. It is time for the backward classes to rise. The Backward Classes include the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes as recognise and notified by the central government from time to time. If we do not make attempts to take our share of political power in all the three wings of the government and use it to benefit our people, it is most likely that backwardness which we are trying to overcome will again overtake us by contrivances of the oppressive forces. The federation urge its brethren to work to eradicate all traces of untouchability, tribal exploitation; caste based differences, gender discrimination and religious discrimination and work to our total liberation.


Signed by
The National Executive
 All India Backward Classes Federation.